class Event { constructor() { this._cache = {} } on(type, cb) { let fns = (this._cache[type] = this._cache[type] || []) if (fns.indexOf(cb) === -1) { fns.push(cb) } return this } trigger(type, data) { let fns = this._cache[type] if (Array.isArray(fns)) { fns.forEach(fn => { fn(data) }) } return this } off(type, cb) { let fns = this._cache[type] if (Array.isArray(fns)) { if (cb) { let index = fns.indexOf(cb) if (index !== -1) { fns.splice(index, 1) } } else { fns.length = 0 } } return this }}const event = new Event()event.on('test', a => { console.log(a)})event.trigger('test', 'water')event.off('test')event.trigger('test', 'hello world')复制代码
// 正则 零宽断言function exchange(num) { num += '' if (num.length <= 3) return num num = num.replace(/\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, function(v) { return v + ',' }) return num}console.log(exchange(1234567))//const num = 2333333num.toLocaleString()复制代码
3、假设你有一个函数,产生[0, 5)之间的随机整数,每个数字概率1/5,如何使用这个函数产生[0, 7)之间的随机整数,每个数字概率1/7
/**利用rand5()函数生成1-25之间的数字,然后将其中的1-21映射成1-7,丢弃22-25。**/function rand7() { var res = 0 do { res = (rand5() - 1) * 5 + rand5() } while(res > 21) return 1 + res % 7}复制代码
function shuffle(arr) { return arr.sort(function() { return Math.random() - 0.5 })}复制代码
function count(str) { return [...new Set(str.split(''))] .map(v => [v, str.match(new RegExp(v, 'g')).length]) .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .slice(0, 1)}复制代码
function subset(arr1, arr2) { if ((!arr1 instanceof Array) || (!arr2 instanceof Array)) return false if (arr2.length < arr1.length) return false for (let i = 0, len = arr1.length; i < len; i++) { if (arr2.indexOf(arr1[i]) === -1) return false } return true}复制代码
const arr = [[1,2],3,[4,5,6]];[[1,3,4],[2,3,4],[1,3,5],[2,3,5],[1,3,6],[2,3,6]]复制代码
function multiply(arr) { let ret = [] function cur(result, index) { if (index === -1) { ret.push(result) } else { let items = Array.isArray(arr[index]) ? arr[index] : [arr[index]] items.forEach(item => { cur([item, ...result], index - 1) }) } } cur([], arr.length - 1) return ret}const arr = [ [1, 2], 3, [4, 5, 6]];console.log(multiply(arr))复制代码
function Router() { this.routes = {} this.currentUrl = ''}Router.prototype.route = function(path, callback) { this.routes[path] = callback || function() {}}Router.prototype.refresh = function() { this.currentUrl = location.hash.slice(1) || '/' this.routes[this.currentUrl]()}Router.prototype.init = function() { window.addEventListener('load', this.refresh.bind(this), false) window.addEventListener('hashchange', this.refresh.bind(this), false)}window.Router = new Router()window.Router.init()Router.route('/', function() { console.log('white')})Router.route('/blue', function() { console.log('blue')})Router.route('/green', function() { console.log('green')})复制代码
var arr = [1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 15, 18]function arrIndexOf(arr, val) { var mid, min = 0, max = arr.length - 1 while (min <= max) { mid = (min + max) >> 1 if (val > arr[mid]) { min = mid + 1 } else if (val < arr[mid]) { max = mid - 1 } else { return mid } } return min}function insert(arr, val) { if (arr[0] === val) { arr.unshift(val) } else if (arr[arr.length - 1] === val) { arr.push(val) } else { arr.splice(arrIndexOf(arr, val), 0, val) } return arr}// orfunction insert(arr, val) { arr.push(val) return arr.sort((a, b) => { return a - b })}复制代码
HardMan("jack")// 输出 'I am jack'HardMan("jack").rest(10).learn("computer")// 输出 'I am jack'// 10s后输出// 'Start learning after 10 second'// 'Learning computer'HardMan("jack").restFirst(5).learn("chinese")// 5s后输出// 'Start learning after 5 second'// 'I am jack'// 'Learning chinese'复制代码
const HardMan = name => { class HardMan { constructor(name) { this.queue = [this.init(name)] setTimeout(async () => { for (let todo of this.queue) { await todo() } }, 0) } init(name) { return () => console.log(`I am ${name}`) } learn(subject) { this.queue.push(() => console.log(`Learning ${subject}`)) // 链式调用 return this } holdon(time) { return () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { resolve(console.log(`Start learning after ${time} second`)) }, time * 1000)) } rest(time) { this.queue.push(this.holdon(time)) return this } restFirst(time) { this.queue.unshift(this.holdon(time)) return this } } return new HardMan(name)}复制代码
11、套待出租的房子,价格分别是 b1 、b2 ... bm;由于习惯了微信支付,团队中每个人身上的现金都有限,分别是 a1 a2 ... an,对了,一起出门的老板还带有 S 元的团队经费,这个经费是每个人都可以使用的那么考虑以下两个场景
场景1 团队成员都很有爱,都愿意借钱给其他同事,那么这时候团队最多能租到多少房子
function max(Array n, Array m, S) { return num}复制代码
场景2 团队成员都十分小气,是不愿意借钱给别人的
//请判断团队成员是否都能租到房子function isAll(Array n, Array m, S){ return bool}复制代码
function max(Array n, Array m, S) { let count = 0 n.forEach(item => { count += item }) count += S let num = 0 let mSort = m.slice().sort((a, b) => { return a - b }) mSort.forEach(item => { count -= item if (count >= 0) num++ }) return num}复制代码
function isAll(n, m, S) { let bool = null; let arr = new Array(n.length); const avg = S/n; n.forEach((item, index) => { arr[index] = item + avg }); let mSort = m.slice().sort((a, b) => { return a - b }); let arrSort = arr.slice().sort((a, b) => { return a - b }); for(let i = 0, len = arrSort.length; i < len; i++) { if (arrSort[i] < mSort[i]) { bool = false; break; } bool = true; } return bool;}复制代码
12、实现一个函数,输入70040,返回[70000, 40]
function toCount(num) { let arr = num.toString().split('') return arr.reduce((pre, next, index, array) => { if (next === '0') { return pre } else { let item = parseInt(next) * Math.pow(10, array.length - index - 1) pre.push(item) return pre } }, [])}//orfunction toCount1(num) { let arr = num.toString().split('') let len = arr.length let ret = [] arr.forEach((item, index) => { if (item != 0) { ret.push(parseInt(item + '0'.repeat(len - index - 1))) } }) return ret}console.log(toCount1(60040))复制代码
Array.prototype.extraChar = function () { var cacheExtraChar = [] var that = this this.map(function (item) { (that.indexOf(item) !== that.lastIndexOf(item)) && cacheExtraChar.indexOf(item) === -1 ? cacheExtraChar.push(item) : -1 }) return cacheExtraChar}复制代码